Tacit Dimension


A site-specific game in the context of Festival of Future Nows.

Register using the sign-up form below to join the game session on 31 Oct.
We meet at Tiergarten, exact location will be sent to you per email after registration.

Feromon Now is a game that will be played in a small natural forest and in the architectural forest installation “Sticks and Stones” at the Neue Nationalgalerie by David Chipperfield.

In Feromon Now players become members of rival ant colonies who must search for food by tracking emerging pheromone paths in a forest. During the game, a random walk from tree-to-tree gradually shifts into following an optimized path of food transport: players collectively embody the shift from randomness to order. By switching locations between the forest and exhibition space, players experience the different feelings of emergent order in natural vs. architectural topography.

*Feromon Now by Dr. Viktor Bedö, was originally created for the 2011 You Are Go urban game festival organized by Invisible Playground.

Players: 10-40 players in two competing teams. Festival visitors can sign up to play using the form below.
Duration: 1,5 hours.
Location: Tiergarten & “Sticks and Stones” installation by David Chipperfield at the Neue Nationalgalerie.

Contact: viktor{at}tacitdimension.com
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