Tacit Dimension


Viktor Bedö “A particularly sketchy philosophy of urban game design and the tacit dimension of the urban”, in The Future of Art is Urban Exhibition Catalogue, London, 2014

Viktor Bedö “Urban Game Design: Prototyping as Hacking“, in Hackable Cities: From Subversive City Making to Systemic Change, Forthcoming…


2014 Nov – “Urban games as prototypes in the urban design process” Keynote speech @ Mind the Game – Smart City Conference Budapest

2014 June – “A particularly sketchy philosophy of game design and the tacit dimension of the urban”, The future of art is urban Conference @ Enclave Gallery, London

2014 June – “Introduction to Urban Game Design as Prototyping and Mapping Tool for Urban Design and Research”, Symposium The Future of Art is Urban @ Enclave Gallery, London

2014 Apr – “How Game Design Can Teach Us About Urban Scale”, Obel Lecture and Workshop @ Art and Technology, Aalborg University, DK

2013 Nov – “Size and shape of the playing field” 4th International Conference of the Visual Learning Lab @ Budapest University of Technology and Economics, HU

2012 July – “Disruptive Mapping Strategies For Urban Innovation” @ A Future Cities Symposium – Co-organized by InnoZ Berlin, LSE Cities. Berlin, DE


2015 Aug – Research Residency @ Mons Invisible, European Cultural Capital Mons, Belgiıum //

2015 May – Horror Vacui, Tomrom Exhibition @ Sandefjord Kunstforening, Norway //

2014 Oct – Ferromon Now, Festival of Future Nows @ Neue Nationalgallerie Berlin //

2014 June – Operation Noose, The Future of Art is Urban exhibition @ Enclave Gallery, London, UK //

2014-2013 – Operation Noose ft. by The Maldives Exodus Caravan Show @ Te Tuhi Arts Centre, Auckland, New Zealand. // @ Malé, Maldives. // @ Museum of Everything Official Collateral Event for the 55th Venice Biennale. // @ The Silent Barn, Brooklyn, NYC //

2013 May – Operation Noose, Invisible Zürichs program @ Walcheturm Zürich, Swiss //

2012 Sept – HPI d.Confestival @ Hasso-Plattner-Institute, Potsdam //


2015 Nov – Energy Hack @ Impact Hub Berlin //

2014 Apr – Playing the Graveyard Workshop @ Art and Technology, Aalborg University, DK //

2014 Mar – ‘socialSIM14’ @ Institute for Ethnology, University Freiburg, DE //

2014 Feb – ‘R_objects’ @ Master of Arts in Design, Zurich University of Arts, CH //

2012 Sept – ‘Game Design as Prototyping Method’ @ d.confestival, Hasso- Plattner-Institute, Potsdam, DE //